
About USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto (NYM)

USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto is a US Agency for International Development (USAID) project that is funded by the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto is a project implemented under the Kenya Health Partnerships for Quality Services (KHPQS) for DREAMS and OVC programs in Vihiga, Nyamira, Kisii (OVC only), Homa Bay and Migori counties. The project is being implemented by a PATH Kenya–led consortium of Kenyan nongovernmental organizations over a five-year period from March 18, 2021, to March 17, 2026. NYM’s activities are aligned with the purpose of KHPQS: increase use of high-quality, county-led health and social services in select counties in Kenya. NYM is a service delivery project at the county level, providing HIV services to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) and adolescent girls and young women (AGYW). KHPQS supports the government of Kenya (GoK) in attaining its goal of addressing the HIV and AIDS response and safeguarding the rights and welfare of children and adolescents impacted by HIV and AIDS.

Integrated Development Facility (IDF) is implementing USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto project as an LIP in cooperative agreement with PATH in Rachuonyo North subcounty in Homabay County, Nyamira and Vihiga Counties with a COP target of 7152, 1412 and 2346 respectively. To deliver on this mandate, NYM continues to partner with Sub-County Government systems and officers to increase access to sustainable, quality health and social services for OVC and their families by implementing an integrated case management approach to deliver a comprehensive package of evidence-based OVC services. Through this, the project aims for increased targeted services for HIV-exposed, infected, and affected OVC; increased household (HH) economic stability to care for and protect OVC and strengthened OVC- related community systems and structures.

The project is implemented in four domains (Healthy, Safe, Stable and Schooled) with a goal to support enrolled children and households to achieve the 9 graduation benchmarks.


Schooled Domain: These are interventions that support children and adolescents affected by and vulnerable to HIV to overcome barriers to accessing education (including enrollment, attendance, retention, progression, and/or transition), and provide vocational training for some adolescents.

USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto is committed to supporting vulnerable children in our community to access quality education. Many children in our area face significant challenges that prevent them from attending school, including poverty associated with HIV illness, and family disruptions. Through USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto, our project team is dedicated to providing assistance and resources to help these children overcome these obstacles and succeed in their academic pursuits.

Our project team member, Boaz, posing for a photo during cheque presentation with students from Otaro Secondary School. The event was a wonderful opportunity for us to connect with the children and families who benefit from our project and to see firsthand the impact of our efforts. We were thrilled to be able to provide assistance that will make a real difference in the lives of these young learners

The school fee payment will enable many vulnerable children to attend school who would otherwise be unable to do so. Support in school domain allows caregivers to take and keep their children in school fees, buy uniforms, and other necessary supplies. This will improve the children's academic performance and overall wellbeing, while also reducing the financial burden on their families. We are proud to be able to provide this support to our community and grateful to our project supporters for making it possible.

As a project, we support vulnerable and needy students to enroll, be retained and progress from one class to the next courtesy of generous contributions of American People through USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto Project.

If you are interested in supporting our OVC project and helping vulnerable children in our community access quality education, we encourage you to get involved. Whether through financial contributions, volunteering, or other means, every bit of support makes a difference. Please visit our website or contact us to learn more about our project and how you can help. Thank you for your interest in our work and for your commitment to improving the lives of vulnerable children in our community.

Data Review Meeting

USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto project is committed to supporting vulnerable children in our community to access quality education, health care, and other essential services. Since the project's launch, we have been collecting and analyzing data to measure our progress and ensure that we are meeting our goals. In this data review, we will share the results of our analysis and highlight the impact of our efforts on the lives of the children we serve.

The data review showed that our OVC project has made significant progress in achieving its goals. Among the key findings:

  • Enrollment in schools and retention rates have increased, with more children completing their education.
  • Access to health care services has improved, leading to better health outcomes for children and their families.
  • Household incomes have increased, thanks to our economic empowerment initiatives, which has helped families to provide for their children's basic needs.
  • The project has fostered a sense of community and social support, with families and caregivers reporting increased social cohesion and collaboration.

USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto- Project Coordinator making a presentation during County Data Review Meeting in Homabay, Coldsprings Hotel

These findings demonstrate that our OVC project is making a real difference in the lives of vulnerable children in our community. We are proud of our accomplishments and will continue to work tirelessly to improve the well-being of the children we serve.

The data review was guided by our project's monitoring and evaluation framework, which outlines our key performance indicators and targets. This framework enables us to track our progress and make data- driven decisions to improve our project's effectiveness.

We hope this data review has provided you with a better understanding of our OVC project and its impact on vulnerable children in our community. If you would like to learn more or get involved, please visit our website or contact us to learn about volunteer opportunities, donations, or other ways to support our work. Thank you for your interest in our project and for your commitment to improving the lives of vulnerable children.

COP Visit to a Support Group in Nyangajo Village, Kendu Bay Ward

USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto Chief of Party, Jackson Thoya, recently visited a community support group in Nyangajo, Kendu Bay Ward, to witness first-hand the impact of the project on the ground. The community support group is made up of volunteers who provide critical support to vulnerable families in the community, including children orphaned by HIV/AIDS

During the visit, Mr. Thoya had the opportunity to meet with members of the group and learn about their work. He was impressed by the dedication and commitment of the volunteers, who work tirelessly to ensure that vulnerable families have access to basic necessities like food, clothing, and healthcare. The visit also provided an opportunity for the COP to see the impact of the project on the ground. Through USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto, the community support group has been able to receive training and resources to better support vulnerable families. This has led to improved outcomes for children in the community, including increased school attendance and better health outcomes.

The COP praised the work of the community support group and emphasized the importance of community-led development in achieving sustainable change. He also highlighted the role of USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto in supporting communities to build their own capacity to address the challenges they face.

Overall, the visit was a success, and the COP left with a renewed commitment to supporting the community support group and other local partners to continue making a positive impact in the lives of vulnerable children and families in Nyangajo and beyond.

Courtesy Visit By PATH Kenya Director and Board Members to Nyangajo Village
IDF Director, PATH Kenya Director and PATH Board Members in Nyangajo village visiting a caregiver support group supported through USAID Nuru Ya Mtoto Project
IDF entry and stakeholders engagement meeting in Vihiga County, presided by County Director of children services
Stakeholders meeting at Sabatia, Emuhaya Subcounty, Vihiga County
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