
About Global Fund Malaria

The Division of National Malaria Program (DNMP) through the Kenya Malaria Strategy (KMS) has articulated efforts to scale up malaria control and has laid the groundwork to realize the vision of a “Malaria –free Kenya”. Objective 2 of the KMS is ‘To manage 100 percent of suspected malaria cases according to the Kenya malaria treatment guidelines by2023’. To this end the NMCP has ensured supply of the first line medicines for both uncomplicated and complicated malaria, Rapid diagnostic test kits and capacity building of frontline health workers in malaria diagnosis and treatment. Strengthening and implementing Community health strategy has ensured a more proactive approach of promoting community’s health to prevent the occurrence of diseases. Community case management of malaria under CHs has proven as a better approach in reducing malaria burden in the lake endemic region.

Project Brief

The following are the Global Fund Malaria project brief:

  • Project Period: July 2021 – June 2024
  • Project Budget: Ksh. 103,247,492
  • Principle Recipient: Amref Health Africa
  • Target Group: General Community
  • Region: Homa Bay County

Key Thematic Areas

  • Supporting CHU monthly data review meetings Supporting County CCMm data review meetings
  • Description. dl: Home Based Management of Malaria Currently supporting a total of 114 CHUs with 1140 CHVs and 228 CHAs and F.CHEWs to implement CCMm
  • Facilitated ANC referrals of pregnant mothers by CHVs to increase health care seeking Annual MIP review meetings per Sub County
  • CHU support supervision Coordination of CHU activities – Airtime to CHEWs Uploading of CHU data into KHIS – Data Bundles to SCHRIOs Community health workers: Education and production


1. Case management of uncomplicated malaria at the household level

Community case management has proved to be effective in the management of malaria as trained community health workers have been able to provide the necessary outreach to households managing suspected uncomplicated malaria cases. Provision of malaria commodities to CHVs for use during household visits has been key to the success of CCMm.

CCMm has ensured accessibility and prompt management of suspected malaria cases. In collaboration with the County Ministry of Health, IDF as a sub recipient Amref Health Africa, supported a total of 1140CHVs from 114CHUs to carry out CCMm activities in Rachuonyo East, Rachuonyo North, Mbita and Suba sub counties of Homs Bay County. The CHVs were trained to identify suspected malaria cases in the community, test using mRDTs kits and treat confirmed cases using AI.

CHVs receiving malaria commodities for use in community case management.

Community Health Assistants/officers were also trained on CCMm on their role of commodity ordering and issuance to CHVs, and supervision of the CHVs during their routine household visits. CHAs have been responsible for ensuring consistent supply/replenishment of malaria commodities to CHVs. They have played the critical role of ensuring commodities provided to CHVs are accounted for through compilation of monthly reports. DTF together with MOH does routine supportive supervision to the CHVs to ensure quality.

2. Health Management Information System/ M&E
Key Activities Supported
a. Vector Control

Through Amref, IDF managed to sensitize a total of 40 teachers in ToTs (malaria) mobilization through the community members on the need to use malaria infection as opportunities to prevent and control vector borne diseases. Approximately 3280 pupils are involved in door mobilization aimed at improving school health. Routine review meetings are also supported to discuss and review progress, address challenges and provide updates to teachers and the champions.

b. Routine Malaria Quality Audits

The objectives of this activity were: To identify the quality of care and medication practices for selected malaria drugs. To observe the data management system to collect, manage and report quality data. During the Grant, DDF facilitated the activity in a total of 7 counties namely: Homa Bay, Tharaka Nithi, Kirinyaga, Embu, Kwale, Muranga, and Meru. The organization successfully coordinated with the county teams to implement the activity.


The design of the Global Fund Malaria Project by the GoK and malaria stakeholders led to improved uptake of CCMm by the community and eventually reduced Malaria prevalence in the lake endemic region. IDF acknowledges with gratitude the National Ministry of Health (DNMP) for their technical support that ensured the availability of malaria commodities for use in the community. The Ministry of Health played a key role in ensuring policies and manuals were in place to guide each process during the implementation of the malaria grant.

We would like to acknowledge the Principal Recipient – Amref Health Africa for its technical and financial support that ensured success during implementation. Amref and their technical team played a key role in ensuring timely disbursement of funds, distribution, and supply of equipment for use by Community Health Volunteers. IDF GFM project Implementation Team appreciates Amref for their commitment to building their capacity to ensure systems are in place for uninterrupted implementation. IDF as an organization greatly benefited from Amref Technical Team support which led to improvement in the organizational systems and internal controls.

We further acknowledge the technical support from the County Department of Health – Homa Bay, for ensuring the availability of 44 fully functional Community Health Units with 10 Community Health Volunteers, Community Health Assistants, Sub-county Health management teams, and finally County health management teams. The teams ensured quality service delivery to the community members as they were directly involved in identifying CHVs and training CHVs and CHAs on Community Health Strategy and Community Case management of Malaria.

The team went ahead and took part in routine support supervision of the community health units throughout the project period. IDF also appreciates Community Health Volunteers who played a key role in executing the work. The CHVs who initially received monthly stipends which eventually ended shall forever be in our prayers as only the Almighty God shall reward them for their unending commitment and efforts to ensure healthy community members. IDF finally appreciates malaria stakeholders for the combined efforts in reducing malaria incidents and prevalence in the county.

Global Fund Malaria Project Photos

Orientation of CHVs on ParaHit mRDT kit to improve service delivery to the community
Orientation of CHVs on ParaHit mRDT kit to improve service delivery to the community
CHVs receive malaria commodities and gloves for continued CCMm implementation
CHVs receive malaria commodities and gloves for continued CCMm implementation
CHVs account for malaria commodities during CHU monthly data review meeting.
A trained CHV performing Mrdt test to a child at the health facility during a quality assurance activity to ascertain their skills and knowledge on CCMm
Sample of recommended biosafety kits to be used by CHVs for mrdt waste mnagament
Before taking part in community case management of malaria, CHEWs and CHVs are taken through a 3 day training on Mrdt testing, AL dispensing and reporting. The above pic shows CHEWs going through CCMm training (MRDT Testing procedure)
Before taking part in community case management of malaria, CHEWs and CHVs are taken through a 3 day training on Mrdt testing, AL dispensing and reporting. The above pic shows CHEWs going through CCMm training (MRDT Testing procedure)
County Public Health Officer Mr. Kabaka and County Director of Health Dr. Gordon Okomo officially opening Community Case Management Training of CHEWs
County Public Health Officer Mr. Kabaka and County Director of Health Dr. Gordon Okomo officially opening Community Case Management Training of CHEWs
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